One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville
The weightlifting room at Cedarville

Free Weight Room Policies

  • All users must first check in at the control desk and either scan their current Cedarville University ID card or present their valid pass and take a Fitness Center towel. 
  • Users of the free weight room must be at least 16 years old.
  • Clothing must be appropriate and modest. This includes gym style clothing and gym shoes.
  • Street shoes, dress shoes, boots, flip flops, or any open-toed shoes are not allowed.
  • Belts or any other metal objects on clothing is prohibited.
  • Personal belongings, book bags, gym bags, etc., should not be brought into the free weight room but should be placed on a coat rack or in a locker.
  • Food, gum, or drinks (other than bottled water) is NOT permitted in the free weight room.
  • Spotters should always be used when lifting weights overhead on any of the benches.
  • It is highly recommended to use collars on the bars.
  • Lifters are required to control the metal weights at all times and not drop them or the dumbbells to the floor.
  • Individuals must put all bars, plates, dumbbells, collars, etc., in their proper place after use.
  • Machines, benches, and other furniture are not to be moved except by Fitness Center staff.
  • No chalk allowed in the weight room.
  • Music is NOT to be played in the free weight room except through personal iPods or other MP3 players.
  • Questions should be directed to the student on duty or the Rec Center supervisor.
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