One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

End-of-Year Tax Information

Friday, December 13, 2024

The following is important end-of-year tax information for you and your student.

Electronic Document Delivery for Students

Cedarville University prefers that students receive end-of-year tax documents electronically. Electronic delivery provides an online location to retrieve past documents, is faster, and saves the University printing and postage costs.

Please encourage your student to sign up to receive their W-2 employment related tax documents electronically if they have not done so already. Please remind them to check their email for instructions if they still need to complete this step. All students receive electronic versions of their 1098-T educational expenses tax documents, so no action is required at this time.

Employment W-2 Tax Forms

If your student worked on campus this year, they will receive their W-2 form by January 31. By law, we cannot give parents access to a student’s W-2 form. Your student can forward a copy of their form to you if they have elected to receive an electronic version.

Tuition 1098-T Tax Forms

Cedarville University is required to provide students a 1098-T tax form for tuition payments by January 31. We will notify your student when this link is available.

If you would like to receive a copy, your student must first grant you parental access through Self-Service. Once you have been granted access, you will be notified when the form becomes available. Please verify and update your email to prevent delays in receiving this notification. If you have tax questions, please check out our tax information FAQs to get answers to some common questions, or email

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