Visiting Campus This Fall
Tuesday, September 8, 2020
Even though we have had to cancel all large group events this fall due to COVID concerns — like Homecoming and Parents Weekend and Grandparents Day — we wanted to remind you that you and your family are still welcome to visit your student throughout the semester. We should be getting some beautiful fall weather soon; it's a great time to visit Cedarville! We ask that if you visit, you please follow the protocols in our Caring Well. Staying Well. COVID-19 Operating Plan.Continue reading »
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Caring Well. Staying Well. Guide to Be Released Next Week
Friday, July 17, 2020
Thank you for your patience as we finalize and prepare to communicate our comprehensive plan for operating under COVID-19 restrictions this fall. Using Philippians 2:3-4 as our guide, the Caring Well. Staying Well. operations plan will balance providing a vibrant residential experience for our students with maintaining a healthy work and study environment for the entire campus community. We are carefully reviewing and making final edits to our plan in light of this week's remarks from...Continue reading »
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Fall Events, Chick-fil-A Exchange Meals, and Fac/Staff Sessions
Tuesday, July 14, 2020
The Lord is my strength and my shield; in him my heart trusts, and I am helped; my heart exults, and with my song I give thanks to him. (Psalm 28:7) This week's updates include: Protecting our campus community and the impact on fall campus events Using meal exchanges at Chick-fil-A Getting Started information for new students Quick guide to important return-to-campus contacts First look at the annual faculty and staff sessions New video showing the latest updates to...Continue reading »
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New Student IDs, Dean's List, and Christian Liberty and Loving Others
Tuesday, June 30, 2020
The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever. (Isaiah 40:8) This week's updates include: Preparing for fall semester How to submit an ID card photo for new students The latest video of our three new campus buildings Changes for the Bookstore and Post Office Updating the Dean's List for spring semester Balancing our Christian liberty with love for others Read this week’s updates now.Continue reading »
Posted in General
Cedarville University Prepares for Return to Campus in August
Friday, May 15, 2020
Cedarville University is preparing to welcome residential graduate and undergraduate students back to campus as scheduled August 14-16, 2020. With broad engagement across the institution, the President’s Cabinet (made up of the division vice presidents and the athletic director) is carefully reviewing every area of the University’s operations to ensure protocols are in place to protect the health and safety of students, faculty, and staff when we return, Lord willing, in just three short months....Continue reading »
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Spring Magazine: Business for the Glory of God
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
We've recently released the spring issue of Cedarville Magazine — Business for the Glory of God, and we wanted to make sure you as parents had the opportunity to see it, especially if your student is studying business at Cedarville. This issue spotlights the School of Business Administration (SBA). Since 1959, the SBA has taught and mentored students into a view of business that emphasizes excellence, stewardship, leadership, and Kingdom influence. The Magazine was sent to the printer before...Continue reading »
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Academic Support Continues at The Cove
Thursday, March 19, 2020
The Cove, our academic enrichment center, sent out the following email to faculty and staff, and we wanted to make sure you and your student are aware of these services. This and other information can also be found on our COVID-19 blog. Be sure to subscribe to receive daily updates.Hello from The Cove, God is faithful, and we are trusting Him during this time of transition. As a team, we evaluated and adapted our courses, programs, and services to provide online academic support and access. As...Continue reading »
Posted in Student Services
The Foolishness of Taking Tomorrow for Granted: A Message From Dr. White
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Dear Parents,Most of you unexpectedly have your Cedarville student home right now. Who would have guessed? These are uncertain times. We are having to change the way we do things. We are being inconvenienced. Life as we know it is not the same for now. But in the middle of all this, we have confidence in our faithful God. We cannot know or control the future, but we serve a God who does.Dr. White spoke to this theme from the Jeremiah Chapel on Monday, even if it was mostly empty. We'd like to...Continue reading »
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Livestreaming Tomorrow: TACTICS for Sharing the Gospel in a Secular Age
Monday, February 17, 2020
Tomorrow, February 18, our Center for Biblical Apologetics and Public Christianity is hosting a one-day apologetics conference, “Tactics for Sharing the Gospel in a Secular Age.” The first session begins at 9 a.m. You are invited to join us via livestream from the conference web page. The conference will examine how we can share our faith in a culture that has largely abandoned biblical principles and faith in God. Award-winning writer and best-selling author Greg Koukl will be our featured...Continue reading »
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School of Business Hosting Speaker Series About Socialism
Wednesday, February 12, 2020
We want to let you know about an opportunity your student has this spring to learn more about a topic that is frequently in the news, especially as we head into election season. There’s a disturbing trend among Millennials and Generation Z, who in large numbers believe that socialism is a viable alternative to a free market economy. Without embracing a biblical worldview and the grace of God, humanity’s sinful nature will find a way to abuse any system, but Cedarville’s School of Business...Continue reading »
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Flu Season Is Upon Us
Friday, January 24, 2020
You may have already heard it from your student, but the flu has hit Cedarville’s campus! We recognize it is hard to have your child far away when they’re sick, but, rest assured, we are doing everything we can to help students when they are sick. We also want to provide some guidance for what your student should do if he or she misses classes due to illness. Students should check their syllabi for each course to understand the professor’s requirements for being notified of an absence and...Continue reading »
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Christmas Greeting From the President
Monday, December 23, 2019
Our President, Dr. Thomas White, has a special Christmas greeting for you! Watch and you'll get a taste of what your student has experienced during this holiday season, but most of all, you’ll discover how Jesus is behind everything we do here. He’s the reason we exist and the reason we celebrate![ENSEMBLE videoid="T_voE3HRFEqDECBuerZA0Q"]Continue reading »
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Celebrating God's Goodness on #GivingTuesday
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Last Tuesday, we as a campus community took part in #Giving Tuesday, and God was indeed good to us.
As part of this one-day-of-giving event, 329 generous donors — alumni, parents, faculty, staff, students, and friends of the University — joined together to raise...
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Exciting Degree Options for Your Student
Thursday, November 21, 2019
We want to make you aware of some exciting degree options Cedarville offers to students to accelerate their academic programs and increase their marketability. Bachelor's to Master's Pathways Did you know that Cedarville offers accelerated completion pathways that allow students to earn both a bachelor’s and master’s degree in just five years? These pathways save students who desire a master’s degree time and money, while making them more marketable in the workforce. We...Continue reading »
Posted in General
Watch Yellow Jacket Basketball Live From Home
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Did you know that you can watch Yellow Jacket men's and women's home basketball games via livestreaming online? It's a great way to stay involved in what your son or daughter is experiencing on campus, from anywhere in the world!
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Posted in Athletics General
Follow the NEW Cedarville Stories Podcast
Friday, November 1, 2019
Did you know that Cedarville has a podcast? The NEW Cedarville Stories podcast is telling Cedarville stories for God's glory. You’ll enjoy interviews with students, faculty, staff, and alumni and hear how God has worked in their life personally and through the mission of Cedarville University. Hosted by Cedarville's Executive Director for Public Relations, Mark Weinstein, the weekly stories are engaging, encouraging, and insightful.A new podcast is available each Wednesday. Subscribe to the...Continue reading »
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Last Day for Under Armour Online Store
Monday, October 28, 2019
If you're looking for Christmas gifts for your Yellow Jacket, today is the last day for the online Under Armour store. Check it out for official Yellow Jacket-branded T-shirts, quarter zips, and sweatshirts, along with other great-looking gear for your Yellow Jacket or other family members. But don't wait! The online store ends TODAY.Continue reading »
Posted in General
Report from the Fall Board of Trustees Meeting
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Cedarville’s Board of Trustees was on campus recently for its annual homecoming-week meetings. We are grateful for the Board that God has brought together at Cedarville, men and women who believe in our mission and vision to serve the Lord well by equipping students with an excellent education and intentional discipleship. During their meetings, the trustees approved the naming of our new business building, reviewed and updated new student scholarships, added three new members to its...Continue reading »
Posted in General University Administration
Enjoy Homecoming and Parents Weekend Highlights
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
We had a great time during Homecoming and Parents Weekend October 4-5. It was wonderful to see so many of you come to campus and spend time with your students. For those who weren't able to make it — or for those who want to relive the great memories — enjoy highlights from the weekend, including the president's State of the University address.P.S. We have another great event coming up! Grandparents Day will be Friday, November 1. Encourage your students to invite their grandparents to join...Continue reading »
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Civil Rights Bus Tour
Tuesday, October 1, 2019
If your student is looking for a meaningful way to spend fall break, encourage them to join the Civil Rights Bus Tour on October 16-20. Sponsored by the Department of History and Government and the Office of Kingdom Diversity, this trip takes students on a journey to some of the major sites of the civil rights movement. Led by Dr. Dr. Anthony Moore, Dr. Matt Bennett, and Dr. Murray Murdoch, the group will travel by tour bus to Memphis, Montgomery, Selma, and Atlanta and visit museums, churches,...Continue reading »
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