One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

What happens if I cannot work a shift?

Try to find a sub to cover your shift. When you find someone, email me their first and last name, time, date, shift being covered in this format:

First & last name (for example: Becca Howarth sub)
Saturday, January 21
11:00-1:30 PM

The best way to find subs is ask your friends in person and just be from the heart about your need. Ask unit mates as well. It does not have to be someone who already works at the dining hall, it can be any CU student. If you get someone to come in, we will train them. The first thing you want to do, as well, even before you start asking around is post an ad on CU classified. If you have never done this before, it is very easy. Just go to the home page, click "classifieds"; on the classifieds page top middle there is a prompt that says post ad, then just follow prompts.

A couple of pointers about using CU classifieds:

  1. In the title line always put time, date, shift: "Jan. 21 SA 11-1:30 salads". This way, students who want subbing hours on a specific day know exactly what the shift is without having to open it all the way.

  2. Always remove the ad immediately if you fill the shift (it only takes a few seconds and that way students do not get frustrated responding to void shifts and also, makes it easier to find shifts that are still open).

  3. Answer any emails received (even if the shift has been filled)...."Yes, I am still needing a sub so will count on you for this shift, thanks so much" or "Sorry this shift has been filled. Thanks, anyway." (it just takes a second and is respectful to the student who responded plus keeps confusion to a minimum).

  4. Email the person's first name, last name, and the time, date, and shift that is being covered by the sub as demonstrated above to Becca Howarth.

  5. If no sub responded for a weekend shift (F, SA, SU), email me by Tuesday evening of the week prior to that weekend so that I can also put the shift on the weekend plea just to try to assist in finding a sub. If someone responds and I am able to fill the shift by the plea, I will email you immediately so that you can remove the classified ad.

  6. Always keep me posted. Let me know if you need a sub and cannot find one – let me know with several days advanced notice (last minute notices are not acceptable) or if you have found a sub. Your job depends on it.

Contact me by email here

The kitchen phone number is 937-766-3163. The office number is 937-766-7890. If you get voice mail please call the kitchen again as sometime the voice mail is not checked for several hours.

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