Currently attending Cedarville University?
Make your event a reality by completing the Event Checklist today!
Event Checklist
- Identify the desired guests and desired event/program outcomes
- Identify the event details: date, times, location etc.
- Get the event/program approved by your Organizational Advisor
- Secure the date
Complete the Secure the Date Form and allow two months prior notice before the date of your event. - Reserve the space
Complete a Space Request Form after receiving confirmation that your date is secured and allow two months prior notice before the date of your event. - Determine the event needs and identify and contact service providers
- University Fleet – More information lower on page
- Audio/Visual Request – Two weeks prior notice
- Food Service Request – Two weeks prior notice
- Announcement Slides – One week prior notice
- Production Services Request – Four weeks prior notice
- Marketing & Communication Requests – Eight weeks prior notice
- Campus Security – For larger events involving off campus
guests, Campus Security needs four weeks prior notice to arrange for the unlocking/locking of doors, parking needs, and security details. Please email Campus Security @
For standard campus events, Campus Security needs one week prior notice to arrange for the unlocking/locking of doors, parking needs, and security details. Please email Campus Security @ - HES Custodial Services – To arrange for HES custodial coverage for an event, please submit a maintenance work request two weeks prior to your event.
- Plan the event or program
- Confirm the space, service providers
Allow one week prior notice before the date of your event. - Execute your Event
- Wrap up your event by assessing and cleaning
Thank you!

Want a full-time Event Manager to assist you?
Please allow six weeks prior notice for this service. Call us at (937) 766-4444 or:
Reserve a University Fleet Vehicle
You can reserve University Fleet Vehicle for University approved activities!
All drivers must be approved by the Campus Security Office. The University also has an agreement with National Car Rental & Enterprise Car Rental for faculty and staff use.
Please allow at least one week prior notice.
Reserve a VehicleDon't miss out
Now is the time to get involved!
Cedarville Student Involvement (CSI) is the online program students use to get involved on campus. Through CSI, students can browse upcoming events, view their past attendance, and explore Student Organizations (Orgs).
Browse, join or start an student-led organization, check out Getting Started weekend or visit the services page
Student Organizations Quick Info
Student Organizations are a great way for like-minded students to meet and discuss and celebrate what is important to them. Student events and programs are a vital part of the co-curricular experience here at Cedarville University. Whether it is hanging out with friends in a study group, meeting with your Discipleship Group, enjoying time with your organization or attending a student-led event, the Office of Campus Experience can provide the services for you to create these opportunities.
Quick Org information
- You can create a new student organization by filling out the Org Creation Request form
- Org officers are required to attend CU Lead due to the Student Life Programs' mission to “develop lifelong leaders.”